Mind body Medicine is a powerful health practice that combines mental focus, controlled breathing, and body movements to help relax the body and the mind. It is useful to control stress, anxiety, depression, pain, and general well-being.
Research has shown that meditation, tai chi, yoga and acupuncture may help with chronic pain, headaches, stress, blood pressure, anxiety and depression, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, balance and stability, quality of life and chronic diseases. Meditation practice has grown exponentially in the last years. Other examples of these techniques are breathing, guided imagery, and hypnosis.
Dr Fuentes-Valdes practices daily meditation, breathing, Louise Hays’ teachings and she uses different techniques in her life to support her health and well-being which have been most instrumental to feel better and help her patients.
Accepting where we are at is the first step for healing. The second step is the continuous practice of being present and conscious of our thoughts, emotions, and feelings to discover what we are creating and projecting onto our physical being, our environment and our soul. Our cells are listening to what we think and experience and accordingly they respond. A healthy mind, a healthy environment, and healthy feelings, create a healthy individual. A healthy life is projected to the world and attracts the same kind of energy, individuals, and environment in return. Tuning the energy of your life is like tunning a radio and being in the same channel so the music sounds clear and pleasant.
The mind-body-spirit connection is one of the most powerful tools Dr. Fuentes-Valdes has encountered so far and she is eager to share it with you. When you’re ready to get started, book a discovery appointment online that can be done from home, at any time. You can call the office to check appointment availability, as well.